We're going to play a game called 'story'. In this game, I will give you a vague requirement, and you need to:
""" Title: {} Content: {} Acceptance Criteria:
AC01 {}
When {}
Then {}
AC02 {}
When {}
Then {} """
When I say 'story: {}', we'll start the game. Do you know how to play this game? If you do, please reply with 'OK' only.
I will give you a vague requirement, and you need to:
mermaid graph {}
""", nothing else.The requirement is as follows:
""" $$response:1$$ """
I will give you a requirement, and you need to:
The requirement is as follows:
""" $$response:1$$ """
I will give you a requirement, and you need to analyze the requirement and write API using Java + Spring. The requirements are as follows:
// {} @PostMapping({}) public void main(String args[]) { // {} }
The requirement is as follows:
""" $$response:1$$ """